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Career And Technical Programs
This Culinary Arts program is a 2-3 hour class that is for students who want to“major” in culinary arts while in high school. The students will learn about safety, sanitation, customer service, protective services, special needs of adults and children, managing household tasks, administrative duties, and handling personnel. Purchasing, receiving, storage, knowledge of nutrition, planning meals, standardized recipes, building and grounds services and use and care of equipment and industrial surfaces will also be studied. Hospitality workplace procedures, government standards, inspections, and OSHA and HACCP regulations will be covered.
Students will demonstrate knowledge in cutting tools and utensils, breakfast foods, beverages, vegetables, fruits, pasta, rice, cheese, seasonings, stock, soups, sauces, international cuisine, meats, poultry, seafood, and baking. Students will be required to participate in preparing and serving meals for various functions throughout the year, including after school hours. Students must purchase and maintain uniforms and shoes appropriate for food service.
Certifications: Octorara Skills Certificate, ServSafe National Restaurant Association