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For Students
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Important School Information
For Students
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Career And Technical Programs
J. Student Attire
How should my child dress for school?
School dress should be appropriate for this age group. If dress interferes with learning, supports inappropriate attitudes or behaviors, or hinders health and safety, then the school must intervene. The following guidelines can help you in your decision-making:
Children should be comfortable and able to enter into all activities without embarrassment. Neatness should be stressed in all choice of dress.
For safety reasons, all shoes are required to be secured with laces, straps, or other fasteners and contain no wheels (heeley rollers).
Flip-flops are not permitted to be worn to school.
Shorts are permissible during hot weather, but short shorts, mini skirts, sunsuits, muscle shirts, tops with spaghetti straps, and beach wear are not permitted. All shirts must cover mid-drift area.
Cold weather requires the wearing of coats; however, coats are not permitted to be worn during the school day.
T-shirts with wording that is offensive, vulgar, or which promotes attitudes or behaviors that are socially unacceptable or which are deemed inappropriate for students are not permitted.
Pajamas are not permitted to be worn to school.
Undergarments are not to be worn as an outer article of clothing.
Pants, shorts, and shirts must be worn at the waist. Belts are required.
Jewelry that may impose a safety hazard to children is not permitted.
Hats, bandanas, and hoods are not permitted to be worn in school.
The principal has the final decision regarding dress. Parents are advised of such decisions.