Nurse's Nook

Kristal Guertler

Kristal Guertler

OPLC School Nurse

610-593-8350, ext. 10541

Christine Robinson

Dental Hygienist
(610) 593-8238 ext. 10541

Nurses Notes:
The Health Office is ALWAYS in need of used pants/sweat pants (sweat pants are best), sizes 5/6 and 7/8 as well as NEW children's underwear, sizes 5/6, 7/8, 9/10. Donations may be dropped off at the front office or sent with your child to give to the nurse.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Over the summer months, prior to fall school entrance, and throughout the school year especially, please make it a high priority to check your children often for head lice. You have a VERY important role in helping the school nurse to prevent the spread of head lice within the school building. And, please contact me if your child does have head lice. I must check your child's head prior to returning to the classroom. Thank you!
Parents: For fall/winter months-please send a tube of plain chapstick in your child’s backpacks labeled with their name. This helps prevent unnecessary health office visits for chapped lips.

Please refer to “When to keep your child home” for illnesses and fever. Student’s MUST be fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducer) before returning to school.

Please refer to the Medication Transportation Policy section of the Student Handbook. This is very important. No medication is be transported in the student’s backpack (excluding Epi-Pens or inhalers) and must be delivered by the parent. All prescription and over-the-counter medication must have a Physician’s order and must be in the original prescription container.