Program Admission

Students who want to enroll in any Career & Technical Education Programs (OACTEP or TCHS Pennock's Bridge) may refer to the application links below and, for information about available programs, please visit the OACTEP website. More information is available in the Octorara Area High School Program of Studies, with any School Counselor, or directly with Mr. Peticca in Rm. B103 in the high school/via email at 

In order to be enrolled in Octorara Career & Technical Education or a proram at TCHS Pennock's Bridge, students must:

  1. Be in grades 10, 11, 12

  2. Have a good attendance record.

  3. Have a good discipline record.

  4. Students need to be passing major courses (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Reading) in order to be on the path to meet the requirements for graduation.

These criteria are reviewed every two weeks.

Students who want to enroll in one of the 11 on-campus Octorara Career and Technical Education Programs, please use the link below:

OACTEP Online Application Link

For students who want to enroll in the Homeland Security & Protective Services Academy, please use link below:

OHSPS Online Application Link

To apply to TCHS Pennock's Bridge, click on the following link: 

TCHS Pennock's Bridge Application Link

An Octorara admissions team will meet in March and June to review all TCHS applications to determine eligibility.  TCHS will be given a final student eligibility list of Octorara students and will notify applicant as to whether he/she will be attending TCHS.