Since 2013, the Octorara Homeland Security and Protective Services Academy (OHSPS) has been graduating highly skilled and certified high school Cadets preparing to enter the fields of Law Enforcement, EMS, and/or a career in Fire Service. This is a unique program which offers students the opportunity to earn up to 92 local, state and national certifications and college credits. Students also gain the practical skills necessary to support their communities in Firefighting, Emergency Medical Services, and Law Enforcement upon graduation.

Program Achievements and Graduate Success
OHSPSA graduates have excelled at federal, state, regional, and local levels in careers related to firefighting, emergency medical services, and law enforcement. Some graduates, equipped with the certifications earned through the program, enter the workforce directly. Others choose the military, trade school or to pursue further education by enrolling in two or four-year postsecondary institutions.

Scholarship Opportunities
To support graduating cadets, many community members have expressed interest in providing scholarships for those pursuing higher education or entering the workforce. We have answered the call utilizing the Octorara Education Foundation, donations can be made to the Octorara Homeland Security and Protective Services Program Scholarship Fund.

Checks should be made payable to Octorara Education Foundation with “OHSPSA Scholarship Fund” noted in the memo line. Contributions will directly benefit graduates selected by administration and instructors based on performance and need.  We plan to hold fundraisers in the future and welcome any and all support.

Tax-Deductible Contributions
The Octorara Education Foundations is a 501C3 organization established to benefit high achieving students.  Upon making a donation, you will receive a receipt, including an EIN number, for tax purposes. Your support will help equip the next generation of emergency service and law enforcement professionals with the tools they need to succeed.

For more information on scholarship information or how to donate, please contact Mark Peticca, Director of Career and Technical Education at Octorara Area High School, at 610-593-8238, ext 30549 or